The bait that started it all off for the company back in 2001! Specifically designed for attracting the nomadic chub in the ‘upper’ reaches of the river Severn in Mid Wales.
This hugely successful bait has caught countless big chub to over seven pounds with its unique mix of fish and meat products and natural ingredients that constantly leach out scent trails that signal the presence of food. Every ingredient used is completely natural and quite delicate so boiling times are kept to a minimum and are part air-dried to harden off the finished boilie.
This bait is the original and still one of the best.
River Secret Products:
Boilies, Barrels & Chops
River Secret Base Mix (1kg base mix makes 1.4kg of boilies)
River Secret Hook Bait Extras (Pop-ups, Hard Hookers & Flakeys)
River Secret Groundbait /Stick Mix, Pellets & Paste
River Secret Liquids - A-tract (Pellet & Groundbait additive), Bait Soak (Bait glug), Gloop (Extra thick and sticky long lasting bait glug) Oil (Heavy density additive or soak for all baits)