Spicy Fish Pro is made up from an enticing blend of fishmeals that include Tuna, Krill and Salmon.
The flavours used are completely natural and are not over powering but they do hang around giving out signals of food present.
Initially launched at the Barbel Society conference, the bait has since been enhanced and re-branded to Spicy Fish Pro and is already proving itself to be a classic.
Spicy Fish Pro Products:
Boilies, Barrels & Chops
Base Mix (1kg base mix makes 1.4kg of boilies)
Hook Bait Extras (Pop-ups, Hard Hookers & Flakeys)
Groundbait /Stick Mix, Pellets & Paste
Liquids - A-tract (Pellet & Groundbait additive), Bait Soak (Bait glug), Gloop (Extra thick and sticky long lasting bait glug) Oil (Heavy density additive or soak for all baits)