News 26th October 2013
We are currently developing 2 new flavours that we are very confident in and if tests are as successful as we anticipate them to be then they will be available at some point in 2014.
We are also tweaking and making improvements to our pike and predator range and hope to have this range on general sale as soon as possible.
Darren recently took this photograph of his hook bait glugged in Stimanol that is available from our ‘Naturals Range’
Stimanol is a pure fish extract which is high in amino acids and stimulatory proteins which we have combined together with a natural sweetener to give a really good rounded profile that is easily digestible. We highly recommend this as an additive in any fish meal mix with a suggested inclusion rate of between 20 – 30 ml. per 6 eggs, and it is even better when used as a glug for hook baits which draw in the goodness and removes the water content from your boilie making them harder and impervious to smaller fish. This product is 100% water soluble and is pva friendly.
You can purchase Stimanol and all our other ‘Naturals’ here:
It’s been a busy time for the company of late (hence no news for a few weeks) and next month looks to be even busier. We will be in attendance at 3 events in November where you can come along and meet Darren and members of the team, buy bait we have at the events and check samples from our flavour range so you can make orders on the evening for baits we don’t bring in quantities. The events and a little information about them are:
The Nottingham Piscatorial Society Present ‘An Evening with Bob Roberts’
This takes place on Wednesday 6th November at 7.30pm in the Dome at Kelham Hall, Newark. NG23 5QX.
Details for this event can be found on the NP website here:
The Barbel Society Lancashire Region Present ‘An Evening with Steve Pope & Terry Theobald’
Monday 18th November
Bredbury conservative club
George lane
sk6 1as
Entrance 7.00pm for an 8.00pm Start
More details can be found on the Lancashire regions Facebook page here:
The Yorkshire Specimen Group Presents ‘An Anglers Evening for the Sheffield Children’s Hospital With Julian Cundiff & Lee Swords’
Wednesday 27th November
Club 39, 39 College Road, Doncaster, DN1 3JH
Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7.30pm start
Please read the poster below and support the event to help the kids. There are some amazing raffle prizes to be won including a holiday on the river Ebro fishing for Carp & Catfish, guest sessions on some exclusive syndicate waters both lakes and rivers, rod pods, luggage, clothing, bait, terminal tackle, rods, reels…………………… Yes the raffle is that good!!! So get buying those tickets, details on how to do this are on the poster.
You can also check updates regarding this event and all Y.S.G. news on their facebook page here: and their website here:
There have been a number of articles, images, updates and fixes on the website which are:
- The Worm Krill range occasionally failed to add items to your cart to buy them, this has now been fixed so you can now buy all the Worm Krill range of products here:
- An article by Terry Theobald targeting Bream on our Betaine Pro range here:
- An article by Christian Barker on the cheese paste revolution here:
- An article by Rich Frampton about when a plan comes together here:
- Iain Nairn & Rich Frampton’s profiles have been updated with new catch photographs here (Iain) and here (Rich)
- An article that was in the Angling Times regarding Paul Bennett almost breaking the river Goyt Barbel record a couple of years ago added to the ‘in the press’ section here:
- A new photograph showing how well the gloop holds particles around a ‘glooped’ hook bait added to the gloop product page here:
- Photographs added to the galleries