Chub Fishing with Dave Binns & the Hook Bait Company
Fantastic video the team member Dave Binns fishing for chub on a small local river, The Original Flakey and Pop up Flakey doing the business
Fantastic video the team member Dave Binns fishing for chub on a small local river, The Original Flakey and Pop up Flakey doing the business
Interview with Darren McCann, owner & founder of the Hook Bait Company:
Chub fishing with Dave Binns & the Hook Bait Company:
Chub feeding on the 3-B:
Chub fishing on the River Wye with Darren McCann and Christian Barker:
The Hook Bait Company Original Flakey:
Chistian Barker “Hustling some chub out” on bread and The Big Cheese:
Christian Barker chub fishing with The Big Cheese paste:
Iain Nairn Chub Fishing with Big Cheese:
You can view more of our videos on our company Facebook page.